Aquaculture (RAS System)

SAQUA is a leader in offering innovative Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) that are intended to increase the sustainability and efficiency of closed fish farming with the use of exceptional machinery manufactured at our advanced facilities. Our RAS technology continuously recycles and purifies water, ensuring optimal conditions for fish health and growth, while reducing water consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

  • Radial filter

    A key component of a successful RAS system is the removal of solid waste, starting with radial filters. These filters use gravity to remove large solids and prevent waste accumulation. SAQUA offers custom-designed radial filters to fit your specific needs, ensuring efficient waste management from the start.Details

  • Drum Filter

    After the radial filter, water passes through drum filters for finer mechanical filtration. These filters efficiently remove smaller particles like uneaten feed and fish waste, preventing harmful buildup. SAQUA offers tailored drum filters designed for various water flows and fish densities, ensuring reliable and long-lasting filtration solutions.Details

  • Protein Skimmer

    To further enhance water quality, protein skimmers remove dissolved organic compounds using fine bubbles. This process keeps the water clean and reduces the system’s biological load. Available with or without ozone generators, SAQUA’s high-efficiency skimmers are tailored for various tank sizes and operational needs, ensuring maximum water clarity and health. Details

  • Biological filter

    After the water is fully filtered mechanically, the biological filter breaks down chemical waste. Beneficial bacteria convert toxic ammonia and nitrite into less harmful nitrate, ensuring a safe environment for fish. SAQUA offers highly efficient biological filtration systems with optimal media for maximum bacterial colonization. Our scalable solutions fit both small and large aquaculture operations. Details

  • Sterilization

    To protect the fish from diseases, ozone generators and UV sterilizers are used. Ozone breaks down organic matter, while UV light neutralizes harmful microorganisms, ensuring pathogen-free water. SAQUA supplies advanced ozone and UV systems for various flow rates and offers installation and maintenance services for long-term protection.

  • Degassers

    Degassers remove excess carbon dioxide (CO₂) from fish respiration and organic matter breakdown. This helps maintain pH balance and optimal oxygen absorption, SAQUA offers high-efficiency degassing systems that improve water quality and reduce fish stress, customizable for different system sizes and water volumes.

  • Oxygenation system

    Proper oxygenation is a life savior for fish. SAQUA offers oxygenation systems with on-site oxygen generators and oxygen cones to ensure a constant supply of pure oxygen. These systems maximize oxygen dissolution, meeting the needs of high-density fish farming. We customize solutions based on your tank sizes and operational needs, ensuring optimal oxygen levels for fish growth and health.

  • Pumps and Circulation systems

    Our pumps and water circulation systems ensure efficient water movement throughout the RAS, reducing energy consumption while maintaining consistent filtration and oxygenation. SAQUA offers high-performance, energy-efficient pumps based on your specific needs, balancing power and efficiency to meet operational demands.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us for a custom RAS solution or request a quote for any of our equipment


Explore SAQUA Standard Projects to see how we have successfully implemented RAS technology in various aquaculture operations.


جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2024
تصميم و استضافة: الابداع الرقمي