Our Drum filters are expertly engineered and manufactured to remove 60 – 120 microns of waste particles in the RAS. It works by removing solid waste, such as fish excrement and uneaten feed, from the water, creating a clean and healthy environment for aquatic species. The filter consists of a rotating drum covered with a fine mesh (stainless steel) that traps solid particles while allowing clean water to pass through. As debris accumulates, the drum rotates, and high-pressure spray nozzles automatically clean the mesh, dislodging waste into a collection trough for removal through the process of backwash. This automated, continuous process minimizes manual interaction, reduces energy consumption, and ensures efficient waste removal, improving overall system performance.
Types | Frame type/ Tank type |
Material | PP (Polypropylene)/ SS (Stainless steel) |
Capacity | From 50 m3/h to 500 m3/h (Customizable) |