Integrated Fingerling Production Unit

The Integrated Fingerling Production Unit comprises three essential stages: Broodstock, Hatchery, and Nursery.

Broodstock: This section is specifically designed for housing and breeding adult fishes to oversee the egg-laying process.

Hatchery: In this particular section, there are specialized tanks designed for the hatching of fish eggs, ultimately leading to the emergence of fish larvae.

Nursery: In the nursery section, the hatched larvae are carefully nurtured and grown until they reach the size of fingerlings, which is up to 5g. After this stage, they are then transferred to larger grow-out section for further development.

Key features:

  • Perfect conditions for fish larvae and juvenile fish, ensuring high survival rates and rapid growth.
  • Equipped with state-of-the-art filtration technology, maintains pristine water quality, reducing the risk of disease and promoting healthy development.
  • Ideal for aquaculture farms, research facilities, and hatcheries.
جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2024
تصميم و استضافة: الابداع الرقمي